Anti-social Behaviour, Nuisance, Racial or other form of Harassment
Felsham Road will not accept any anti-social behaviour on the estate. You as the tenant or leaseholder are responsible for the behaviour of every person (including children) living in or visiting the property. Examples of anti-social behaviour include but are not limited to:
- Using abusive or insulting words or behaviour;
- Using or threatening to use violence;
- Vandalism of council property;
- Offensive drunkenness;
- Persistent arguing and door slamming;
- Noise or fouling from pets;
- Loud music;
- Rubbish Dumping;
- Speeding and dangerous riding of scooters/mopeds.
Grassed Areas Communal Areas and Play Areas
Please do not allow your dogs to foul grassed areas. The staff do their best to keep these areas looking good, you can help by not littering these areas. The play areas are there to encourage your children to play outdoors. Please encourage your children to play sensibly.
Wherever possible, any disputes between neighbours should be resolved amicably. Felsham Road aims to provide a supportive and efficient service to help residents to settle disputes. Ultimately Felsham Road can refer the matter to the Council for further action. You must not use or allow the property or any communal area to be used for any illegal or immoral activity such as drug dealing or prostitution.