This website is for all residents of Felsham Road Cooperative. It should help you by giving you information about the housing services provided on your estate.
About Felsham Road
Felsham Road is located near Putney Bridge and the High Street. It is close to the Thames River and all amenities of the main street. It is very central and well served by bus routes mainline train services Putney Station and Putney Bridge Underground. Putney is seen as a desirable place to live and is a mixed area in terms of private houses, private apartment blocks and housing estates. Felsham Road estate, which was built by Wandsworth Council in the 30s, is made of 5 four storeys high blocks, The estate is designed around an inner garden and an outer green making the estate a very nice place to live. There are 88 flats . All dwellings are covered by an Entry Call service The whole estate is covered by a 24 hour recording CCTV system making it a safe place to live.